While competition is expected and the norm between competing businesses, WDBCO has partnered with competitors to directly address critical talent shortages in the healthcare sector. OhioHealth, OSU Wexner Medical Center, Mount Carmel, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Central Ohio Primary Care, and Primary One now collaborate as the Central Ohio Health Sector Partnership or COHSP. Courtney Thraen, WDBCO’s Associate Director of Business Services, is leading the initiative along with Kelly Wallace, a WDBCO workforce consultant.
“A sector partnership is a collaborative effort between stakeholders in a specific industry sector to address workforce development challenges. We are identifying skills gaps and training programs to help workers gain the skills needed to succeed in the health care industry, as well as promoting career pathways and opportunities for advancement,” said Courtney Thraen.
The partnership work has already begun with several key staff positions targeted for development including registered nurses, surgical technologists, and respiratory therapists. Courtney added, “The ultimate goal is to stock the talent lake with a larger pool of candidates so that employer partners can fish in a much larger pool.”
Funding for COHSP was established by an Industry Sector Accelerator Grant from the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation. COHSP partners each provided additional matching funds to participate.